Monday, April 18, 2016



An eruption as seen in the photo above is something that we hope to never see at Yellowstone National Park. It would change life as we know it for a very long time. As tourists walk among the hissing steam vents, many do not even realize they are literally standing atop one of the planet's gigantic supervolcanos. The area is so enormous, that scientists really had no idea of the true size, but now a research group, using seismic technology to scan this behemoth, have made a stunning discovery. Yellowstone's magma chambers are far greater than previously thought, say scientists from the University of Utah. Under those tourist's feet, is enough hot rock to fill the Grand Canyon nearly 14 times over.

 Scientists from the University of Utah created the first three-dimensional depiction of the geothermal structure under Yellowstone. Yellowstone's heat source reaches down 440 to 1,800 miles beneath Earth's surface -- and may come from its molten core. It is responsible for fueling the newly discovered reservoir that lies on top of it. The magma chamber lies on top of the reservoir -- and draws magma from it. It is a three to nine miles under the surface of the Earth and is what fuels the geysers and thermal features of the park. It alone has a volume 2.5 times that of the Grand Canyon. But those great magma expanses do not mean that the two hellish hollows could overflow the Grand Canyon with molten rock.


When Yellowstone erupts (yes I said WHEN, as it has in the past and will again someday), it will probably will change the world. Temperatures would drop, animals would die, crops would die. No going to the store for a gallon of milk. The consequences would be dire indeed. Most people just so not realize the enormity of what this would mean. Of course this is a worst case scenario, but it has happened before and it will happen again. This question is, when? So far, scientists just don't know.

The explosions in Yellowstone's past have left deep scars, and you nay be familiar with one -- the Yellowstone Caldera, which takes up much of the park and is lined by mountains. The caldera is a volcanic crater left behind when 240 cubic miles of debris ruptured out of the Earth and into the air during volcanic discharge some 630,000 years ago, USGS says. Long before that, 2 million years ago, volcanic activity blew 600 cubic miles of Yellowstone debris into the air. Those were the two largest eruptions in North America in a few million years, the USGS said, and they each buried in ash more than a third of what is now the continental U.S. "If another large caldera-forming eruption were to occur at Yellowstone, its effects would be worldwide," the USGS says. It would drastically shift the world's climate.






As those of you who visit my youtube channel  know, I have been posting many videos showing an odd brightness at night, in which the night looks like mid afternoon. There is a green glow over the area at times, and a column of a bluish color ,which "sparkles" can be seen every night.
I have been looking for an explanation for this, and thanks to one of my viewers, we may be about to find out! There is a new technology for studying the inner working of volcano. Below is an article published may2015 by, describing using lasers, night vision, and fluorescent light!
Here is a link to my youtube channel if you would like to view the videos which show the bright nights and other things mentioned.

Here is the article

Lasers Probe Causes of Volcanic Eruptions
May 2015

LIVERPOOL, UK, May 18, 2015 — A better understanding of volcanoes' inner workings based on fluorescence imaging could help save lives.

A team from the University of Liverpool in the UK, Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, and the University of Newcastle in Callaghan, Australia, has developed a technique that could enable faster and more accurate detection of volcanic unrest.

"Understanding the triggers for volcanic eruptions is vital for forecasting efforts, hazard assessment and risk mitigation," said Janine Kavanagh, a lecturer at the University of Liverpool's School of Environmental Sciences. "With more than 600 million people worldwide living near a volcano at risk of eruptive activity, it is more important than ever that our understanding of these complex systems and their triggering mechanisms is improved."

Laser sheet illuminates volcano simulator.

A frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser sheet illuminates fluorescent particles in gelatine, allowing researchers to simulate magma movement within a volcano. Courtesy of Janine Kavanagh/University of Liverpool.

The researchers created scale models in the lab at Monash University, allowing them to study volcano plumbing systems by demonstrating how magma ascends from great depths up to the surface through a series of connected fractures (dykes and sills). Colored water was injected into a tank filled with gelatine (jelly) to mimic rising magma.

The researchers used a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser sheet (532 nm) to illuminate fluorescent particles in the gelatine, allowing them to track the simulated magma's movement. A CCD camera recorded images of the fluorescing particles with the same timing as the laser sheet, 2 Hz, for up to 60 minutes. A 532- to 546-nm bandpass filter was mounted on the camera to eliminate spurious reflections.

Sandy Cruden, professor at the Monash School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment, said, “we discovered a significant and previously unknown drop in pressure when the ascending vertical dyke stalled to form a horizontal sill.” A pressure drop can drive the release of dissolved gasses, potentially causing the magma to explode and erupt, he said.

"It's similar to removing a cap from a bottle of shaken fizzy drink," he said. "The pressure drop causes bubbles to form, and the associated increase in volume results in a fountain of foam erupting from the bottle."

The technique essentially records when and how magma moves at depth and helps determine the likelihood of an eruption, whereas other volcano-monitoring systems rely on satellites, ground deformation devices and seismometers.

Here is a video I recorded from the lice cam showing the odd sparkly column of light

 The research was published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters (doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2015.03.038

Sunday, April 17, 2016


Signs Pointing To Another Mega EQ In Japan?

By Kat Marin 4/17/2016                           

 I came across today that is very disturbing in light of the renewed earthquake activity in Japan, especially in the Kyushu region. In the article, which was from May 11, 2015, it talks about shallow tremors being detected under the ocean, that could be a sign that the country may be heading for another mega quake...perhaps worse than the last one. Japan is still recovering from the 9.0 megathrust earthquake, which devastated the country in 2011, and caused a nuclear disaster.  It killed almost 16,000 people.  

Japan has one of the most sophisticated earthquake detection systems in the world, and with  Ocean Bottom Seismometers, they can listen to the "rumbling" that is created when two tectonic plates meet. Such instruments have helped detect low-energy, "slow earthquakes" along oceanic trenches that we otherwise wouldn't notice.

These earthquakes occur much more slowly than standard earthquakes. By comparison, big earthquakes are caused by the rupture of faults and give rise to short-lived, high-energy seismic waves.

Slow-slip earthquakes and tremors don't cause any damage on their own. But if they coincide with very-low-frequency earthquakes they could. These are another type of slow earthquake that is caused by processes deeper under ground,  and usually indicate fault motions where the tectonic plates meet. If all these types of slow earthquakes take place, along the faulted zone at different depths, they might be a sign of a mega-thrust earthquake in the future.

                     THIS ARTICLE WAS WRITTEN IN 2015!

                                        SOUND FAMILAR?


 The earthquakes which are happening right NOW as of April 2016 are in the exact area this article mentions (almost one year ago!) The area has many volcanoes, and Sakurajima has had several huge eruptions in the same time frame as these earthquakes. Mt Aso is showing unrest now as well.


           This next paragraph is an EXACT QUOTE from the article,

 "The next such earthquake could strike the coast of Kyushu, a region known for its dangerous volcanoes. Let's hope that, by then, we have come far enough to prevent the same devastation as we saw in 2011. No place is better than Japan to drive such technological progress."  Source:


Eerie isn't it? Could what they mentioned was going on in 2015 been the harbinger for what is occurring now, and were these earthquakes just a forshock for what is coming? Only time will tell...but it certainly seems to matchup! Please comment and let me know what you think.



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Signs Pointing To Another Mega EQ In Japan? By Kat Marin 4/17/2016                             I came across today that is very dist...